welcome to forever living products magic; for your health, beauty and wealth


It's More Than Business. It's Family.

forever family

The faces behind Forever Living aren’t those of executives, marketers, sales people, and computer technicians.

They’re the faces of our family.

When Rex Maughan created Forever Living in 1978, he did it to provide his friends and family with a higher quality of life. And that meant creating a company with a higher quality of business. A business where every choice is made with integrity. And every employee is family.

Get to know who we are, and you'll see why Forever Living is so much more than just another company.

Join Now and join our family!

About Me: Atwooki Robert Kisembo
(FLP Distributor I.D 256 000 188886)
Contact: +256 706 315 803/+256 773 612 882
email: forevermagic1@gmail.com
website: www.foreverlivingmagic.blogspot.com
Follow us on Facebook: http//www.facebook.com/forever living products Uganda distributors